El Paredon Surf Camp
In the early days
In the early days

Yes guys, we also have a history. El Paredon Surf Camp has its Godfather, Aventuras Naturales, a Guatemalan Adventure and Ecotourism Outfitter with many years of experience on the fields of ecotourism, adventure sports and conservation of natural resources. One of Aventuras Naturales' biggest achievements was the introduction of Birdwatching in Guatemala as a formal economical activity, creating new sources of income for many communities.

In the beginning, the idea of a Surf Camp was not well accepted among us (how fool were we back in 1999!*%..?). There were two persons who tried to convince us of the opposite, but it was in March 2001, when Jose Cruz, a good friend, surfer, naturalist and photographer took us to the beach and "showed us the light". So we just "jumped into the water" and began looking for our spot. We found this village, in the middle of a lush Mangrove Forest with the best waves of Guatemala. The inhabitants of El Paredon village liked the idea of a surf camp and here we are guys, hoping to share it with you (now we're getting emotional...).